

My quest for happiness and my goal of being a better person


April 6, 2013

Good in the Worst of Us

“There’s good in the worst of us and there’s bad in the best of us”. It’s a phrase my mother says every once in a while, and the other day I was just thinking about it. Sometimes it can be so easy seeing the bad in ourselves, but what’s not as easy is seeing the good in the people who have wronged us- the people we don’t like. Continue reading “Good in the Worst of Us”

Confessions of a Reformed Pessimist

Up to relatively recently, I would have counted myself as quite the pessimist. There’s no point in denying it. For example, a friend of mine made me the most delicious cake for my birthday last year (seriously, it tasted like happiness!) and I was just there wondering how long it would be before I dropped it all over my dress. I find that strangely funny now looking back :P

    Continue reading “Confessions of a Reformed Pessimist”

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