

My quest for happiness and my goal of being a better person


Cooking Challenge

I want to be a better cook: I want to be more adventurous in the kitchen and learn new recipes and methods. My cooking challenge only has one rule: learn one new healthy recipe a month. I aim to blog about this challenge on the last Saturday of each month. Here’s hoping I can stand the heat in the kitchen! :)

Cooking Challenge: Beef Stir Fry (without the stir fry)

Cooking Challenge- July's dish: Beef without Stir Fry

I’ve tackled my first new recipe for my Cooking Challenge: beef stir fry.. without stir frying. Funny story about how this happened- Continue reading “Cooking Challenge: Beef Stir Fry (without the stir fry)”

Cooking Challenge

One of my new year resolutions for 2015 was to learn how to cook. While I’m proud of the fact that I’ve managed to survive my own meals so far, I think it’s time to seriously up the game. I want to be more adventurous when it comes to cooking; I want to try new recipes and methods. I want a new challenge :)

So here it is: Continue reading “Cooking Challenge”

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