

My quest for happiness and my goal of being a better person


December 2014

2015: Year of Grooviness

Happy almost New Year, everyone! :D So overall, how was 2014 for you? Mine was a mixture of very good and very bad but overall, there was much more good and that’s what counts i think :)

As I mentioned yesterday, I love making resolutions and ringing in the new year. But the other day when I was googling “fun resolutions” and I was surprised with the amount of Continue reading “2015: Year of Grooviness”

Hi. Me Again

Hi :D

So I hope you all had a great Christmas and that you’re as excited about the new year as I am. I always look forward to New Year’s- probably because I love making resolutions. It’s a new year; it’s a fresh start- I just love it all. Continue reading “Hi. Me Again”

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