So I did something really stupid yesterday…

it was a rare sunny day in what was a miserably wet summer in Ireland. I was so excited (did I mention I’m basically a child at times?) that I spent the whole day outside in the blazing sun. But what’s stupid about that? Surely, it’s good to get outside and enjoy the sun? Well, insert stupid here: I spent the whole day outside without suncream. Yep. Usually I’m so careful about these things since I burn just thinking about the sun, but I just really didn’t think at all. Needless to say, I’ll be buying my makeup in the shade of “Lobster Red” for the next while.

I really wanted to do the challenge today, but I’m burned all over and sore, so I’m gonna leave it until next Monday and continue where I left off. On a side note, lifting bottles of aloe vera counts as weight lifting, right?

So in the meantime, I’m gonna catch up on some reading, sporcle and whatnot. It’s not a bad life. And I’ll be back to the challenge on Monday. With suncream. :)

Any of you lovely readers get sun burned this year? Hope you’re all well :)

Thanks for reading
