

My quest for happiness and my goal of being a better person

Quick Life Update

Hi all,

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve logged into this blog. I kinda disappeared off the radar a while back. Anyways I hope you’ve all been well and that 2016 has been good so far. Time has gone so fast…  Continue reading “Quick Life Update”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Days 10-14

Last time I posted about this challenge, I had bad sunburn so I put it off until last Monday. Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Days 10-14”

Cardio, Abs and Weights Challenge: Day Stupid

So I did something really stupid yesterday… Continue reading “Cardio, Abs and Weights Challenge: Day Stupid”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 9

Just finished Day 9 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge.Today I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 9”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 8

Day 8 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge done and dusted. Today I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 8”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 7

Just finished Day 7 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge.Today I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 7”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 6

Day 6 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge completed. Today I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 6”

Cardio, Weights and Abs: Day 5

Day 5 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge completed. Today I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs: Day 5”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 4

Day 4 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge completed. Today I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 4”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 3

Day 3 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge completed. Today I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 3”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 2

Day 2 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge completed. Today didn’t involve a weights element, but I did:  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 2”

Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 1

I completed Day 1 of the Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge. Today’s challenge:

Joanna Soh Weights Training Plan:
Superset 1: Chest Press and Fly
Superset 2: Shoulder Press and Upright Row  Continue reading “Cardio, Weights and Abs Challenge: Day 1”

New Fitness Challenge: Cardio, Weights and Abs

It’s time for a new fitness challenge. When I moved out from home in January, I was determined to stay active. In the mornings, I would do various workouts by Neila Rey and in the evenings, Continue reading “New Fitness Challenge: Cardio, Weights and Abs”

Become the Donkey

donkey in well

Did you ever hear the story of the donkey in the well? It’s a story that crops up on social media every now and again. Basically one day, a donkey falls down the well. Continue reading “Become the Donkey”

Cooking Challenge: Beef Stir Fry (without the stir fry)

Cooking Challenge- July's dish: Beef without Stir Fry

I’ve tackled my first new recipe for my Cooking Challenge: beef stir fry.. without stir frying. Funny story about how this happened- Continue reading “Cooking Challenge: Beef Stir Fry (without the stir fry)”

Cooking Challenge

One of my new year resolutions for 2015 was to learn how to cook. While I’m proud of the fact that I’ve managed to survive my own meals so far, I think it’s time to seriously up the game. I want to be more adventurous when it comes to cooking; I want to try new recipes and methods. I want a new challenge :)

So here it is: Continue reading “Cooking Challenge”

Changes and Re-evaluating

I read a brilliant post by A Mozzarella Orange the other day about Mid-Year Performance which prompted me to take an evaluation of my year and blog.

Even though I kept some of my resolutions (I did keep up the fitness), Continue reading “Changes and Re-evaluating”

The Long Winding Road

I was convinced I was going to die there. There. In the middle of nowhere. No way of letting anyone know where I’d gone or why. No reception to phone for help. No map to find my way home. No one will ever find me here, I thought as I pressed my head against the steering wheel. Oh why did I decide to be spontaneous? What was wrong with good old boring, never taking risks me?

Whoosh.The car shuttered. Continue reading “The Long Winding Road”

Your One Ring that Rules

I take comfort in the fact that even if you hit rock bottom, the only way is up. I wasn’t going to post this as I want to focus on positivity on this blog. The reason I am writing though is because when I started this, I wanted to be honest and every now and again I do have setbacks. This week was one of them. Continue reading “Your One Ring that Rules”

A Little Closer Every Time

The other day I tried on my favourite dress and was amazed that it was too big. The same dress was too tight only a few weeks ago. I’ve attempted to start a healthy lifestyle many times before, but this is the first time I’ve really noticed results- I’ve dropped 2 dress sizes (down to UK size 8-10 now!). Overall I’m delighted, though I know this is only the beginning; I still want to be stronger, leaner and have greater endurance.

I’m not posting this to brag. I’m posting this because not too long ago, I wanted to give up. Continue reading “A Little Closer Every Time”

Us and Us

Yesterday, a referendum was passed in Ireland allowing same-sex marriage. Ireland has thus become the first country to approve gay marriage by popular vote.

This week, I’ve happened to meet some opponents to the referendum. Their reasoning was that gay marriage was wrong. Because being gay is wrong. Because being gay is unnatural. Continue reading “Us and Us”

She smiles triumphantly

No one’s home tonight- that means she won’t be forced to eat dinner. She smiles triumphantly as she walks into the living room and turns on TV. Her stomach rumbles. She’s not hungry though- it’d be silly if she were; she’d just eaten eight hours ago. Such a big meal it was too- half an apple and a yoghurt. She’s going to turn into a glutton.

Continue reading “She smiles triumphantly”

Mary Got Hit By Lightning

Did you hear Mary down the road got hit by lightning?”
I nearly choke on my coffee. “Oh my god, is she okay?” I have no idea who Mary Down the Road is. I don’t know who this shopkeeper is either, but this is the first thing he says as he checks my items at the till.
Ah yeah, sure she’s grand. She was doing yoga”. Continue reading “Mary Got Hit By Lightning”

8 Little Things and Upcoming Big Changes

Hi! :D

So I can’t believe we’re nine days into January all ready! How are your resolutions going? I’m still sorting out mine- I’ve stroked a few things of my resolution/goal list and am still working on others. But one group (I sorted my resolutions into groups- fitness, healthy eating, hobbies, skills, random) have made a big difference in keeping my positivity- I’ve made a special effort to do these 8 things every day and I do feel the better of it. :) Continue reading “8 Little Things and Upcoming Big Changes”

2015: Year of Grooviness

Happy almost New Year, everyone! :D So overall, how was 2014 for you? Mine was a mixture of very good and very bad but overall, there was much more good and that’s what counts i think :)

As I mentioned yesterday, I love making resolutions and ringing in the new year. But the other day when I was googling “fun resolutions” and I was surprised with the amount of Continue reading “2015: Year of Grooviness”

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